Thursday, March 3, 2011

Levar Burton

Covered an event last week where Levar Burton was the guest speaker.  He as extremely nice, matter of fact, he noticed that I had a camera in hand and walked right up to introduce himself to me.

I always make a point of introducing myself to those being photographed at corporate events, especially actors, telling them that I won't "overshoot" the event, with FLASH going off the entire time. I don't want them to feel self-conscious.. i.e. paparazzi!

The overall topic was Diversity and he spoke about his life as a young theatre major at USC and how everything changed for him once he was cast in Roots.  (IMDB here).  Here are few pics of the day along with some the audience during Q/A.

Oh.. and yes.. many people asked about his time as Geordi La Forge, in Star Trek: The Next Generation








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