Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mission Community Hospital - Nursery Wall

I was hired a few months back by Mission Community Hospital to cover the Gala fundraiser at the Reagan Library, had a great time and they were please enough to bring me back to help capture and save a historical mural on the wall of the old nursery.

Quick backstory... the San Fernando location has been around for a long time, and they renovating the bldg.  That being said, a few walls are being taken down and new ones are being put up.  One of the walls is a concrete wall that was painted a long time ago and the painting couldn't be saved.  That is where I come in. Oh, and yes, there was ALOT of damage, and attempts to repair the damage!

Here is the before and after.







Technical Details: 

Images Taken: 12.   I had to take overlapping images due to the small size of the room and to be sure I had enough detail.  They were stitched together in Photoshop.

File Size:  1GB

Format : RAW

Lighting: 2 Softbox Hot Lights + Fill via 580EX

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