Thursday, June 10, 2010


A few months back, I was working on a project, profiling a company who uses Apple products to run their business.  This was a GREAT project for me!  I shot video, and stills. The project was put on a back burner, and eventually the funding on it was pulled, but I've decieded to finish it on my own!

The company in question is Row44. They provide in-flight WIFI for commercial aircraft.  They are a great company and were extremely gracious with their time.  Seriously, a very very nice group of people.

They took me up in their Sea Plane that they use as their testbed.  Left from Camarilla airport, flew around for 5 hours - skimmed a lake, then went over the Channel Islands I had a blast!

Here is a light table look at a few photos that I am working with right now.  

Screen shot 2010-06-10 at 4.49.55 PM.png

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