Friday, April 22, 2011

The Sleeper and 90 Seconds of STRESS!

So, I was shooting an event earlier this week.. company lecture, with guests from a local college.  There were about 4 people taking turns at the podium, pretty basic format.. grab a few images of each one from 3 or 4 different locations then go for the reaction shots of audience...

On the last speaker, I noticed this gentlemen starting to doze, and I took the shot from my hip (camera hanging down) and fired it off...I've gotten many happy accident/great photos this way in all my years of shooting.  Of course this time was about to be different...

The flash and noise from the shutter made him open his eyes.. and let me tell ya.. he was NOT happy!  He opens his eyes and said "NOT FUNNY"... in a very low, very serious, tone.

I walked slowly by him and whispered, "I'm sorry...."  and then I turned towards him and he literally looks at me, stoic faced, takes a beat and says "Gotcha! I'm Just Kidding.. life's to short.!!! "   OMG!  A HUGE Sigh of relief on my part   I really thought I was done shooting for that company ever again!

I then sat next to him, showed the image and we laughed, quietly.. as there was speaker talking...   He said that he works with him and the local college and has heard the same speech 100+ times... etc..

Gotta tell ya .. I was a little nervous for 90 seconds there!



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